About Me

Hey Everyone!

My name is Olivia Pugh and I will be participating in the FIM ISDE 6Days event held this year in Santiago de Compostela, Spain in October 2024! I am blessed to be on the first EVER Team USA all women’s club team.

I grew up riding in the great state of Washington and learned to ride when I was just 4 years old. Since then, I grew up riding about once a month with my brother, Kyle and my parents Courtney and Ryan. We frequented Capitol State Forest because we belong to the Tacoma Trail Cruisers dirt bike club. When I got a bit older, we started going on more and more trail rides and eventually tried out a track when I was about 13 years old. This is when I figured out what hare-scrambles were and what racing as a whole was.

My first off-road race was the last NORCS race of the season at Riverdale MX in Toutle when I was 13 years old. I raced in the Women’s Amateur class and got a wonderful 10th place. From there, I was hooked on racing. Fast forward a few years, and I have won the Women’s AA class 2 years in a row! I have made countless memories, met the coolest of people, been to some of the most beautiful places, all while wearing a giant smile and having the best time.

I decided that I wanted to try and qualify for 6Days when a good friend went and shared how cool of an experience he had. That same friend was going to Redding, CA to the ISDE west qualifier and I decided to hop in and see what it was all about. Originally, I had planned on this being a learning experience to prepare and try to qualify in 2025 as I am finishing up my student teaching this year and will graduate in June with my Bachelors of Science in Education. I was very shocked and honored to ride for Team USA on a Women’s Club Team, and although it has been a crazy year completing my degree and working full time, I could not pass up this opportunity of a lifetime. 

I am EXTREMELY grateful for anyone who read all these words & has supported me on this journey so far. I continue to appreciate all the support, kind messages, prayers, and donations. 

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